Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Festival Weekend

We are back from our 3 day weekend in the mountains. It was a great time, despite the many miles we traveled. We left Saturday morning at 8am with Ambrocio and went to his house for a half hour. It was a real Honduran experience as they live in cement mud hut, with small skinny doors, a cement floor and an outhouse with a blanket as the door. It was a real eye opener for us who live in nice clean houses and communities to hear Ambrocio's wife say she loves her home and community. WOW, they have so little, but are so happy and content.

Later we traveled to a restaurant on the lake and waiting for Patrick and the team to arrive. When they came, we headed up the mountain. We were so high up we were in the clouds!!! What an amazing feeling. 3.5 hours later we arrived at our destination, a small oasis in a remote village. The girls all bunked in one dorm and the guys in another. We spent the rest of the day putting together 60 gift bags for our canvas walk the next day and organizing our games for the festival.

Sunday we drove a half hour to the site where the US team will be builing the church. It was quite the ride with all the potholes and a river we had to cross too. What an adventure! We set up our festival and than went out and canvased the area giving out the gift bags to the familes and inviting them to the festival. I was able to do the face painting and William took pictures and ran the BBQ for a hot dog lunch. We had some testimonies and in all 17 people made decisions for Christ. Praise the Lord!

Monday morning we left at 5am and returned home for some well needed rest. Please keep the Oregean team in your prayers as they continue to build this church. Their goal was to get the roof on, but that is usually hard to do here, because the Hondurans that will be helping them don't really have a time schedule, they come and go as they please. That's just part of the culture here.

Please also pray for some of our camp vehicles. Some of them are not working and need repair. One of these vehicles we need to pick up our supplies before the Parkdale team arrives.

I am feeling much better. I did lose my voice for a few days, but it seem to pass quickly. So thank you for your prayers.

Please also pray for the Parkdale team as they travel here on Saturday by plane and as we drive from San Pedro to the camp. Also for unity as we strive to work together to serve our God.

I will post pictures soon. It is getting late.

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