Thursday, July 26, 2007

Into our third week

Well we are well into our third week here. It has flown by. This week has been a little more quiet as all the teams are gone and we are well underway with our planning for the Parkdale team that arrives Aug. 4.

So far we have pretty much worked out the schedule of what will happen everyday while they are here as well as organizing cabins and work teams. Our first week will consist of doing VBS at Esther's school from Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday we'll take a relax trip to Copan and Monday-Saturday the second week we'll have four teams working on different projects around the camp. Two teams will build two cabins, one team will be working with Bob on the lowropes course and the third team will be helping to paint Esther and Dave's place as well as maybe putting up some screens around the window on the cabin and other jobs like that.

Will and I will be leading the worship every morning with the kids for VBS. As well we'll lead the worship times in the evening with the Parkdale team. Our second week, Will and I will work in whatever team needs us. We'll be flexible.

This Saturday to Monday William and I will be taking a trip with Will's field ed supervisor, Patrick and Debbie O'Conner, up to the mountains about three hours away. Patrick and Debbie's ministry here in Honduras is church planting. They are bringing in a team from the US to build a church next week. When we arrive on Saturday we'll be aquainted with the team and on Sunday we'll do what I would call a mini Family Fest. We'll be able to do some canvasing and prayer walks around the area on Sunday morning and than the afternoon we'll have some music and games, etc. for the kids. Again we don't have too many specifics so we'll be flexible!

Will and Dave went to Tegucigalpa, the capital city to get some supplies yesterday. They ended up having quite the adventure, when the truck decided to break down an hour outside of where we live in Siguatepeque. So they had to get someone from here to take them the rest of the way to Teguc. They ended up in the back of a pick-up the rest of the way there, which would have been another hour or so. The driver eventually drove them back to their truck and they were able to start it, but it would only drive in third gear. With all these hills around here I am thankful it didn't break down again until they were just down the road from Dave's place. They didn't get all that they wanted to do accomplished, but they sure did have some good male bonding time together and a memory to never forget.

Will and I have a praise. We now have a vehicle to go back and forth to the camp with. This will save us the massive hill and getting bit by all the dogs. The place where we are staying, the Haglar's, they are allowing us to use their vehicle. Also some of you have been asking about my tooth. It has not bothered me in awhile. Praise the Lord! Thankyou for praying.

God is continuing to teach and refine us. This week, although it's been quiet, has been great to spend more time in the Word together and seek God's direction while here and for the future.

Thank you to everyone who have been praying for us. We do feel your prayers and words cannot express how thankful we are for brothers and sisters in Christ who keep us close to their hearts. Here are some more prayer requests to keep you up to date. Please keep us in your prayers as Will and I travel up the mountains this weekend. I have been under the weather for the past two days with stomach problems. Today I am starting to feel better, but do have a sore throat. Please pray that I'll be feeling much better for the weekend. Will is still having stomach issues too, but doesn't seem to be bothering him too much. You can pray for energy for him. The altitude makes him tire easily. You can also pray that Dave and Will will be able to get all the materials in time as well as they have to dig some holes for the cabins that will be built. The holes are all done by hand, so it takes lots of time and hard work.

In Christ
Mel and Will

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